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    Rodger Brown: HR Career Highlights and HR Certifications

    Date: April 2, 2015, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
    Northeast Mississippi Human Resource Association (NEMSHRA)
    Gloster Creek Village Food Court. Feel free to bring or buy your lunch at 11:30 and chat with other local Human Resource professionals.
    Free to members and guests (not including lunch)
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    Rodger Brown, Vice President for Human Resources at North Mississiipi Health Services, is a NEMSHRA Emeratus board member. He served as NEMSHRA's Secretary/Treasurer for over 30 years. He is SPHR certified and has been a long standing mentor to many area HR professionals. He will be speaking at this month's NEMSHRA meeting, giving career highlights and talking about HR certifications. Rodger will retire in April after 37 years of service at NMHS.


    Rodger Brown is responsible for managing the recruiting, retention, education, employee health, compensation and benefits for the health care organization's employees.

    Brown, who joined NMHS in 1978 as personnel employment supervisor, was later promoted to director of human resources in 1980 then to vice president in 1990.

    He received his bachelor of business administration in personnel management and a bachelor of business administration in accounting from the University of Mississippi and a masters of science in healthcare administration from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

    He is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives, and currently serves as president of the Mississippi chapter, member of the American Society for Healthcare Human Resource Management where he is certified as a senior professional in HR, and a member of the American Compensation Association where he is certified in benefits and compensation.